Keeping Your Lawn Happy in the Heat

Summer Lawn Routine

As lawn care specialists in the great state of Texas, we know how brutal the summers can be, as well as how the high temperatures can take a real toll on your lawn. As we spend more time outdoors with loved ones at family gatherings and barbecues, we want to make sure our yard is in good shape!

Contrary to what you may believe, though, it is possible to have a beautiful, thriving lawn during even the hottest of months. Read on for the lawn care professional’s tips that your lawn will thank you for.


The most obvious way to keep your lawn happy in the heat is to make sure it is getting sufficient water, especially if we’re experiencing a few weeks between rainfalls. As far as when to water, we recommend doing so in the morning. The lower temperatures will keep from quick evaporation and ensure that the grass is soaking up every last important drop. Try working it into your morning routine so that you develop it as a habit and don’t forget!

In order to get water to the roots of your grass, try watering for about 20 minutes twice a week. This will allow time for it to seep into the ground and make your grass happy and healthy!

Sprinkler Systems

If you’re not great at remembering to take care of the lawn, we suggest installing a new sprinkler system. Newer models are equipped with timers and moisture sensors, as well as the ability to schedule for optimal watering time. Even better, some options help with water conservation.

The bottom line is that with a sprinkler system you’ll have an even, regularly planned watering schedule that is sure to have your grass growing green!


While we wish we had a completely automated system for mowing your lawn, we don’t. This is a chore that you or the neighbor kid will have to commit to doing. Again, you will want to mow on a regular basis, but be careful to not cut the grass too low. We encourage you to cut the grass to a length just a bit higher than you would normally feel comfortable. While this isn’t exactly how you want it, it will encourage strong growth!


Weeds are a nuisance almost year round, but the summer months present some strong types of weeds. The biggest advice we can give you is to get rid of weeds as soon as they appear in your yard. If left for too long, their seed will quickly spread and begin sprouting up all over the yard.

Do your best to avoid using chemical weed killers as they can damage the surrounding grass. Additionally, weed killer requires some lower temperatures to work properly, something we rarely get enough of in Texas for it to be worth it. If you’re in need of extreme weed removal, it’s best to contact a professional.

Lawn Care in Dallas

Get your lawn in the best shape possible this summer with the help of J Bell Services! With our irrigation systems, sprinkler repairs and installations, we are sure to make your yard happy. Contact us online today!


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