When to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

As the leaves change colors and the weather starts to cool down, many families have all of the fun fall activities in mind. With the new season comes apple picking, Halloween costumes for the kids, haunted houses, and pumpkin-flavored everything.

As enjoyable as fall is, it’s also the time of year to start thinking about winterizing your sprinkler system. If you don’t take the necessary steps, your system could freeze and burst in the cold weather. While Texas isn’t exactly known for its cold temperatures in the winter, the Dallas-Fort Worth area does occasionally experience freezing temperatures. In this blog post, J Bell Services will discuss how to properly winterize your sprinkler system so that you can avoid any costly repairs this fall and winter and be able to enjoy all of your festivities to the fullest!

Why Winterization for Your Sprinkler System is Important

If you aren’t sure why it’s necessary to winterize your sprinkler system, you should think about how water freezes in cold temperatures. When water is frozen, ice crystals are formed that can then expand. This is why pipes tend to burst in freezing temperatures when water is left in them. The same concept applies to your sprinkler system. If there is water leftover in your sprinkler heads and it freezes, it can cause severe damage to your sprinkler system.

How to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

Now that you have a better understanding of why you should winterize your sprinkler system, we’re going to take you through a step-by-step guide of the process. Remember, if you aren’t comfortable performing these steps on your own, all you have to do is give us a call at 214-960-5692.

Shut off the Water and Turn off the Timer

The first step is to shut off the water to your sprinkler system. This can usually be done by turning a knob or lever at the main water supply. Once the water is shut off, you will need to turn off the timer. This ensures that your system will not turn on by accident and cause any damage.

Drain the System

Next, you will need to drain all of the water from your system. This can be done by opening up all of the valves and letting the water run out. Once all of the water has been drained, you can close the valves.

Insulate Above-Ground Components

If you have any above-ground components to your sprinkler system, it is important to insulate them before winter arrives. This will help to prevent any damage from the cold weather.

Shut off the Water and Turn off the Timer

Finally, you should schedule an appointment with J Bell Services to have your sprinkler system serviced. During a winterization service, this is what you can expect from our team:

  • We will turn off the water supply and drain all of the water from your sprinkler system.
  • We will turn off your sprinkler system controller.
  • We will drain your outdoor spigots.
  • We will assess your system for any signs of damage and make you aware of any repairs needed.
  • We will answer any questions you may have about your sprinkler system.


By following the above steps, you will have a worry-free fall and winter when it comes to your sprinkler system. J Bell Services offers professional winterization services that will give you peace of mind during the new season and we will ensure this very important home maintenance task is completed. If you would like to make an appointment with us, give us a call at 214-960-5692 or fill out our online contact form to speak with one of our team members today!


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