Best Practices for Conserving Water During a Heat Wave

With temperatures reaching record highs in Texas, it is imperative to do your part in conserving water during these dry times. Below are some great points that will help your lawn combat evaporation, while helping to conserve water in your community.

Water Before the Sun Comes Up

On average, Texas suffers from about 60 – 100 inches of evaporation per year. Given our warm climate and consistent sunshine, we can expect our summers to have the highest evaporation rates each year.

To combat this, we recommend watering your lawn before the sun comes up. Ideally, anywhere from 1-4 hours prior to sunrise is the best time to ensure your lawn will be able to soak up all the needed moisture to keep its leaves and root systems hydrated throughout the day.

Use Water-efficient Sprinkler Heads

There are many different options when it comes to the irrigation products you choose. Most will claim to be efficient, however, here at J Bell, we believe the most efficient brand of sprinkler products is Rainbird.

Rainbird sprinkler heads produce large droplets of water that rotate and produce a “curtain” as they spray out. Since these big drops weigh more than misting spray heads, they fall swiftly, reducing overspray and undirected water flow. By ensuring that all irrigated water is directed properly, this allows for water conservation since there will not be any overspray onto sidewalks, driveways, or other unneeded areas.

Keep Your Sprinkler System in Good Repair

Burst pipes, underground leaks, and broken sprinkler heads can all lead to a massive loss of water. Not only does this make your utility bills go up, but it takes a toll on the community during times of conservation as well.

In addition to leaks, an improperly calibrated and maintained system might result in ineffective water distribution. Your irrigation system may become uneven as a result of blockages or broken valves, overwatering some areas of your lawn and wasting water.

Lastly, sprinkler heads that spray in the wrong direction may be a sign of a poorly calibrated system. As a result, water may be wasted as it is sprayed on driveways, walks, and walls.

Use Supporting Techniques

Less is more during a heat wave, which is why you can take preventive steps to help conserve water at your home. One option is to consider a drip irrigation system for any landscaping you may have. Drip lines are beneficial because they help direct a specified amount of water to your landscapes root systems. These lines do not spray, but run a slow, continuous drip of water to help conserve water and eliminate overspray all together. Another great option to look at would be xeriscape landscapes. These landscape options are comprised of plants that are native to Texas and that require minimal water and are drought tolerant.

If your system could benefit from a tune up, give the professionals at J Bell Services a call today to schedule your irrigation system check-up. We offer seasonal maintenance plans and options to keep your system working effectively and efficiently all year long.
